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Kotlin Multiplatform

Many of our projects are built upon Kotlin Multiplatform, a technology for the Kotlin language that allows compiling the same code natively on multiple platforms.

On the JVM, Kotlin has access to the large Java and Android ecosystems and profits from great interoperability which makes 2-way access seamless.

On the browser, Kotlin can either be transpiled to JavaScript (with optional TypeScript type declaration), or compiled to WebAssembly. Kotlin can call JavaScript code, but not all Kotlin constructs are exported from JavaScript.

Via native binaries, Kotlin can be compiled to native binaries that can run directly on Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS…, while having access to system libraries.

Unlike other multiplatform technologies, which are based on a common virtual machine that is ported to each platform, and thus requires changes when new platform-specific features are added, Kotlin has direct access to each platform's API.

OpenSavvy Groundwork

Groundwork is a collection of Kotlin Multiplatform libraries offering various functionalities useful in a large array of projects;

  • Reporting progress information through function calls • Learn more
  • Representing failed and in-progress statesLearn more
  • Multiplatform algorithms for weak referencesLearn more
  • Cache algorithms that take advantage of platform-specific features, like LocalStorageLearn more
  • Software architecture for fullstack multiplatform and heterogeneous appsLearn more
  • Magicless automated testingLearn more
  • Typesafe fullstack Ktor endpoint declaration and failure management • Learn more
  • Lazy configuration fetching with hot-reloadingLearn more

Compose UI

Compose UI is a technology created by Google, and ported to some platforms by JetBrains. We create tools to use Compose more easily on more platforms.

  • Writing multiplatform UIs that adapt themselves to each platformLearn more
  • Lazy layouts for Compose HTML • Learn more
  • Material3 for Compose HTML • Learn more
  • Material You color generation algorithm for Kotlin Multiplatform • Learn more

Gradle plugins

The Kotlin ecosystem at large is built with Gradle. Through the years, there has been some functionality we have missed, so we created our own plugins.