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KtMongo (Alpha)

MongoDB is a popular database because its concepts map cleanly to object-oriented structures, unlike SQL DBMSs. Kotlin's DSL capabilities allow us to create idiomatic and safe drivers.

The official Java and Kotlin drivers do not take advantage of Kotlin's DSLs. KMongo pioneered DSLs for MongoDB, but isn't maintained anymore. OpenSavvy KtMongo is our complete rethink of KMongo, from the ground up, with even more safety and even more operators (for example: support for aggregation operators).

data class User(
    val _id: ObjectId,
    val name: String,
    val birthYear: Int,
    val archived: Boolean?,

val liveUsers = users.filter { User::archived ne true }

liveUsers.find {
    User::archived ne true
    User::birthYear lt 2000
  • Website
  • Repository
  • Licensed under Apache 2.0
  • Supports the JVM
  • May support more platforms in the future
  • Usable with or without coroutines